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Movie Trailer for “The Fade” (2012)

The Fade is a documentary like no other. Taking a real, nitty gritty, view of some of the most well known individuals and the person who keeps them looking appealing – the barber. Not only does this documentary showcase a “day in the life” scenario, but also gives viewers the insight behind the motivation, struggles, and gains throughout each barber’s career. The challenge of entrepreneurship, keeping us with trends, education, atmosphere within their personal shop, balance with family and connecting to their clientele.

Below is the full description of the must-see documentary:

A Big Bright Films, feature length documentary, “The Fade” opens its doors to the world giving us an insight to the dynamics of barbershop and the aspirations of the people who perform the skillful and trusting art of hair grooming.

Long has the barbershop been a frontier for the male soap box, but many who do not frequent the barbershop will be unaware of the myriad of incredible stories on the lives and loves of its customers and workers.

An observational film which seamlessly transports us to and from Accra, London, New Jersey and Kingston interconnecting the similarities of identity, business, masculinity and culture.

The Fade observes real personalities from the owners Faisal (barber to David Harewood and Andrian Lester), Shawn Powis (barber to Elephant Man), Offori “Tupac” Mensah and Johnny “Cakes” Castellanos to their clientele, baring the same aspirations separated only by time and space. Indiscriminately, the film displays the power of entrepreneurship and the mobility it provides for very individual goals and status within the community. The wit of all the characters is easily captured, demonstrating how boys become men in this self-contained masculine world.



(Video Duration: 1:32)
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Written by Jacklyn Mendoza

BarberArt Weekly Roundup: Oct-19-2013

Commercial: Highlights and Cutz Mobile Barber Shop