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    HowTo: Using the “Diva Tape” to Line Up a Woman’s Short Haircut

    (Miami, Florida) Creator of the Barber Bootcamp, Alexander Gonzalez demonstrates how to transform a standard line-up for men into something soft and feminine for female clients. Using a technique he’s named the “Diva Tape”, Alex creates soft rounded lines to distinguish his female haircuts in comparison to the routinely straight-edged lines of a normal male […] More

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    Commercial: Sharp Image Barbershop (Miami, Fl)

    (Miami, Florida) Picture an artistically designed shop featuring a graffiti wall lined with photographs of the most popular cuts. That’s what Sharp Image Barbershop is all about and now, it has an exciting promotion for new clients. For just $5.00, new clients will be given a haircut of their choice, receive an impeccable standard of […] More

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    Barber Boot Camp by Alex Gonzalez

    (Miami, Florida) The Salvation Army’s Center of Hope is a transitional center for formally homeless males and male veterans. This facility provides day training programs and housing resources for men in need. The generosity of the center’s staff inspired local barber, Alex Gonzalez, to donate his time and barbering skills. Every month Alex provides free […] More