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Beyond the Fade at Mos Faded Barbershop (Eugene, OR)

The journey to become a barber varies from person to person. Likewise, different inspirations and motivations create a “curving road” for any individual whose aspire to own a barbershop.

Jason Thompson, Owner of Mos Faded, a barbershop Eugene, Oregon reveals what lead him from initial hesitation to now owning his own barbershop. While urban décor dominate the style in the Mos Faded Barbershop, Jason speaks about his positive vibe and promotes the “Anyone Is Welcome” policy.

I like (the shop) to be setup so that people of all walks of life can feel comfortable in this environment. I like there to be a little piece of everyone up on the wall…”
– Jason Thompson, Owner of Mos Faded Barbershop

Make sure to visit the Mos Faded website for more information Mos Faded Babershop

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Written by Jacklyn Mendoza

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