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FLASH: Cedric’s Barber Battle: CW Pulls Competition Series from Friday Nights

Earlier this week, the CW Network put our new favorite show “on hiatus” until Monday, June 29th…

As we said in our earlier article, we are 100% rooting for “Cedric’s Barber Battle” success. So, we were concerned when we learned about the show’s sudden removal from the CW’s Friday night’s lineup.

When asked for a comment, Lee Resnick, Co-Producer and owner of told us that the show is being moved to Monday evening starting Jun 29th. Hopefully, Barber battle will shine more brightly when paired with other ground-breaking shows like Jane the Virgin.

So, don’t forget to mark your calendar and stay tuned for further developments..!

What do you think?

Written by BARBinc News

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