You gotta love the daring when a barber uses himself as a canvas. And that’s exactly what “bonesthebarber” did in this (too long) selfie-video. Over the course of nine minutes, “Bones” attempts to cut himself a decent tribal-inspired cut without too many errors.
As we watched, everyone in BARBinc was wondering: “Is ‘Bones’ gonna make a slip and f*** his hair up…?”
Well, we’ll keep the secret and hand out some advice.
Whenever you get boared, skip forward a minute or two at a time… All the while, watch yourself get slowly caught up in suspense. For example, 2 minutes into the video, “Bones” tries to pull off the “bank-shot” self-cutting technique that involves using a hand-held mirror, a wall-mirror and Pure Luck…!
Regardless of the results, we applaud the audacity and hope to see more videos from Bones YouTube channel…
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