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BARBinc Daily Cut – CraigTheBarber, Mr. HairArt and Christina Goree

Today, we have a mixed-bag of barber celebrities including a Wahl-sponsored tutorial featuring the ever-lovable Christina Goree… Check it out!

How To: Trim a Full Beard by CraigTheBarber
How To: Trim a Full Beard

New HairArt Stencil Kit by RonnieMac (aka “Mr. HairArt”)

Mr. Hair Art STENCIL KIT (((UN-BOXING))) ( )

5 Star Shaver: The Ultimate Finishing Tool feat. Christina Goree

5 Star Shaver: The Ultimate Finishing Tool

What do you think?

Written by BARBinc News

Ivan Zoot’s Alphabet Soup of Hair Tips Reaches “M”

Awww Yeah…!!! The Nomad Barber’s in the U.S.A…!