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Premiere Orlando 2016 – 10 Days Away!

Disney is not the only reason people are flocking to Orlando this June. The beginning of summer brings upon one of the biggest hair and beauty shows on the East Coast. Get ready for Premiere Orlando 2016!
Premiere Orlando takes over the Orlando/Orange County Convention Center – West Complex, located at 9800 International Drive, Orlando, FL 32819. This event is action packed with runway shows, hair demonstrations, private educational a classes, and of course the market area where you can buy everything from your top hair tools to beauty accessories.

Saturday, June 4th is solely dedicated to education and the enrichment of the mind. The exhibit floor will be closed and only educational classes will be offered. To see a schedule for Saturday and choose your classes, check the schedule here.

A special mention goes to BARBinc Co-Founder Dale Dowdie who is returning to Premiere to teach his highly anticipated class “Which Social media Platform is Best for Your Business?”/ Class will be held on Saturday. June 4th from 3pm-4:30pm, room TBD. Stay tuned for more news and room information!


The exhibit floor will be open on Sunday and Monday, filled with stage demonstrations, special guest appearances, and product giveaways.

And in case you want to plan ahead, here is a full list of educational classes on Sunday and Monday.

What do you think?

Written by Jacklyn Mendoza

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