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Barbers are “Challenged” during Breast Cancer Awareness Month…!

Inspired by EliDaBarber and Chauncey_TheBarber of ScissorSalute, barbers are creating Pink Ribbon #BarberArt throughout the month of October…

It started with a challenge issued to barbers around the globe… Support Breast Cancer Awareness Month by cutting the iconic “pink ribbon” symbol as part of a client’s haircut…


See the #ScissorSaluteBreastCancerChallenge on Instagram…

Similar to the recent ALS Ice Bucket challenge, the rules are simple:

  1. Make a donation to your favorite breast cancer charity.
  2. Incorporate the breast cancer awareness ribbon in a cut, design or style.
  3. Nominate 3 barbers or stylists to do the challenge after you.
  4. Post your image/video with the hashtag #ScissorSaluteBreastCancerChallenge.
To date, the response has been phenomenal with barbers everywhere donating time and effort for the cause…! And (of course) the ladies are leading the charge, including Lici_LadyBarber and Sea_theBarber…!

So, we at BARBinc wanted to #Salute all the barbers (as well as Eli/Chauncey) for their efforts.

Thanks to Linda Eisner of GraffEtch (makers of the “must-have” hair-styling pencils used to color many #BarberArt works), we assembled the following slideshow for your enjoyment.

[cycloneslider id=”scissorsalute-breast-cancer-challenge”]

Even if you’re late to the party there’s still an entire week left to October (and then the guys take over in Movember) so we’re calling on ALL barbers to get thier cuts in (be sure to “color it up”) and finish Breast Cancer Awareness Month with a bang..!

See the #ScissorSaluteBreastCancerChallenge on Instagram…

What do you think?

Written by BARBinc News

Interview with Celebrity Barber Curtis Smith

Barber Commercial of the Week – Heroes of Movember