Do you remember FlipDaBarber who was critically injured in NYC ? Two months later, Flip is getting better (with a little help from his friends…!)
Hey Guys…! Back in April, we reported on the story of Monzell Bailey who goes by the nickname “Flip Da Barber”. Flip works at
The Hut Barbershop in New York City and was tragically injured by a truck while crossing the street.
A good friend (and overall good samaritan)
Sea The Barber took it upon herself to raise funds for her fallen comrade…
After Sea’s “Call to Arms”, the Barber community went into action, sending donations to Flip’s online donation site. A few weeks later, Sea released an Instagram video where Flip thanked everyone for the outpouring of Barber Love…!
Then, just last month, the guys at
RazorSharp Barbershop & Shave Parlor did a real solid by hosting a “Day Dedicated to Help” with over $1,000 going to Flip’s medical/personal expenses.
We at BARBinc are proud to say that Flip is finally able to walk…!!!
Although he is confined to a wheelchair for most of the day, Flip is able to stand by himself and take a few steps on his own power.
He still has a cast on his cutting hand but at least he no longer needs reconstructive surgery to fix his knees.
So… If you’re interested in helping Flip, please be sure to visit his online donation site (every dollar helps..!)
…and take a minute to leave some well-wishes on his Instagram account (it hasn’t been updated in a while, but… You know…)
And, as always, BARBinc News will be here to keep you informed of Flip’s progress…!